Rarely if ever in America has the age of a politician been such a critical issue in politics as it has become this electoral cycle. Similarly, rarely has a politician’s health or their sexual dalliances become as public an issue as they have become in today’s age of instant news, 24/7 news cycles, and the rash of social media. It is in this context that President Joe Biden’s age and health have become such compelling issues as the 2024 election campaign gains more serious focus.
Historians have unearthed stories of presidential affairs or serious, debilitating medical conditions but contemporary journalists—who observed and watched the behavior of public figures on a daily basis—never breached such subjects in their reportage of Washington activity. American journalists operated much like their counterparts in most foreign countries in ignoring most politicians’ behavior outside of their governing activities and policies.
The world knew that F.D.R. had polio but because of the care taken with how and when he was photographed, the public largely did not comprehend the seriousness of his condition. Similarly, Roosevelt’s extensive affair with Lucy Mercer Rutherfurd was barely even whispered about. Similar circumstances surrounded both Presidents John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson. President Woodrow Wilson’s severe medical condition led many historians to suggest that Colonel Edward House and/or Mrs. Edith Wilson ran the country for most of his last year in office. President Warren Harding not only had affairs, but he was the father of a daughter conceived by a mistress apparently when he was in the Senate.
Coupled with President Biden’s age—that he will be 86 years old upon completion of a full second four-year term--this past week was brought into sharp focus the apparent serious neurological condition which Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is suffering. The 81-year-old Kentucky Senator will need to address his continuation in office, while many of the other members of the Senate leadership wait in the wings, knowing that he could well continue in office until the end of his term in 2026.
Likewise, 90-year-old California Senator Dianne Feinstein has become visibly more compromised both physically and mentally. (In addition to McConnell and Feinstein, Chuck Grassley will be 90 this month and three other senators have just celebrated or will be reaching their 80th birthday this year.) On the other hand, 54-year-old John Fetterman was elected Senator from Pennsylvania only last year while still recuperating from a serious stroke from which he still has not yet totally recovered. It is, however, the question of Biden’s age/health looking ahead that is more immediate and critical.
At the same time, the historical disregard for sexual dalliances of public officials received a major public judgement by the American people during the impeachment of President Bill Clinton. The actual charges raised against Clinton dealt with his involvement in the Whitewater case and the subsequent charges of perjury and obstruction of justice. For most Americans, however, the key was the President’s affair with Monica Lewinsky, a White House intern. Yet, in 1998, in the midst of impeachment process, Clinton’s party won major congressional victories.
Today the extensive affairs and extra-marital relationships which have been disclosed concerning former President Donald Trump largely have been dismissed by Trump’s supportive base. The fact that he is being tried for paying “hush” money to a woman with whom he is accused of having had an affair gains very limited response from his supporters.
There is no clear, uniform position today for a majority of the American people as to how to address these conflicting positions, with respect to age, health, and sexual improprieties. Americans appear to be judging public figures strictly based on their own parochial political interests and morality, although they will deny that fact.
It is likely that part of the explanation that President Biden’s favorability poll numbers remain in the low 40’s is attributable to concern about an 82-year continuing in the White House on January 20, 2025, for a full four-year term. It appears that many Americans would prefer an immoral, and four-times indicted 78-year-old former president to a current 82-year-old president. While there is some responsibility that Biden must assume regarding his possible engagement in his son’s illegal activities, they seem to be far less political baggage than anything that Trump carries. Ironically, perhaps more so than ever before, assuming that Donald Trump is the Republican nominee, it will be the vice-presidential candidate who may well determine the 2024 presidential election.